Sunset at La Silla
Horrible conditions for astronomy, but fantastic view of the Atacama desert
Sunset seen from the ESO 3.6m in La Silla

Exoplanet research

I have a wide range of research interests from transit surveys to internal structure modelling of giant planets


The Next-Generation Transit Survey (NGTS)

NGTS is a collection of small telescopes on the Atacama desert which runs a slew of observation programmes. In particular we looks for eclipsing stars and planets in young stellar clusters.

Radial velocity measurements

RV timeseries with Minerva-aus and CORALIE data

Working mainly with HARPS on the 3.6m ESO telescope and CORALIE on the Swiss 1.2m Euler telescope I follow-up planet transiting planet candidates. I am looking forward to expanding our wavelength coverage with the near-infrared high resolution spectrograph NIRPS which will join HARPS in 2021.

Transition between Neptune- and Saturn-like planets

Mass- radius diagram highlighting the sub-Saturn regime

If a giant planet turns out as a Neptune-like ice giant of a Saturn-like gas giant is believed to be determined by a stage of planet formation called runaway gas accretion. Characterising these types of planets in detail is key to our understanding of planet formation.

Click here to have a look at a few of my posters that I have brought to conferences over the years

Teaching school kids in Denmark
Warning building may rotate without warning.
Nordic optical telescope at sunset.
LN filling